Thole Ghostwriting
(the inside story)
James Thole
The Guy (ghost) Behind the Keyboard.
So this is the part where I tell you a little bit about me. Am I supposed to write this in third person? Nah, that feels too distant. This is personal, let’s make it sound that way.
I grew up in a small mountain town in Arizona. Like really small. Our football team played eight-man football small (should be eleven if you’re not into football).
Growing up in Sasquatch country had a lot of pluses (clean air, space for adventures, low crime) but I was always dreaming of moving to the “big city” where all the action was.
So after high school, I left the white mountains and headed south to the Sonoran Desert to attend university in Tucson, Arizona (Go Wildcats!) While surviving triple-digit summer temps by living part-time in movie theaters I managed to graduate with a double major in creative writing and media arts.
After university, there was only one place where I could logically go. To Hollywood of course (just like the Muppets). I spent five years in Los Angeles chasing the screenwriter dream. I even took a meeting at Paramount, but that was as far as I got.
I left Tinsel Town and set out to the far East, to Seoul, South Korea (that’s a legit big city). In Seoul, I taught English and was supposed to stay just a year or two, but ended up staying six… I traveled the Pacific Rim, hiked every national park in South Korea (21 total), and married my wife Anna, a native Korean, who I’d met in L.A.
Living abroad was amazing, but after six years I was ready to come back home. Anna and I settled in Denver, Colorado. I got back to what I love – writing. And that’s what I do every day now.
P.S. I was also a farmer. But we’ll save that story for another time. Ask me about it on our intro call and I’ll give you the 2 minute version.